Those were the two finalist in a 64-ride single-elimination tournament here on the site over the past three weeks. Rides were selected and seeded according to their average reader rating on the site, and the top seed, Universal Orlando's Spider-Man, and number three seed, Disney World's Tower of Terror, advanced to the finals.
Voting is open to anyone, and will run for 24 hours, starting Sunday evening.
Tower of Terror:
The pre-show creepiness factor often resides in the hands of the employees, and in recent years I've found they've lost their gusto.
As Robert mentioned, if it's an elevator ride, why are you sitting?
The on-ride photo is very impersonal.
The randomness factor often causes the drop sequences to be short and jerky rather than long and exciting.
The location of this attraction next to Rock N' Roller Coaster causes bottleneck crowds, especially before viewings of Fantasmic!
It bothers me that Disney made so many clones of this attraction but without the detail of the original.
Very little off-screen action.
The entrance is uninspiring and bland, as is the queue (and that techno music drives me nuts).
The simulator motion and screen effects can cause motion sickness (my buddy can ride Hulk 'til the cows come home, but a ride on Spidey totals him).
Some effects are recycled, like the fire and water ones. Islands really seems to abuse those elements.
If you're a reporter, why are you wearing goggles? And don't give me that "safety goggles" excuse.
During the climbing/falling scene, the stage lights above can clearly be seen, ruining the illusion.
Some of the action happens too quickly, like Hydroman getting shocked by Electro (it took me several rides to figure out what happened there).
Anyways, feel free to knock me down a peg.
In the end I think the presentation in Tower might win it for me... blast... I will not know for sure untill I hit the button...
And frankly, Disney should win in my opinion. I'm a diehard fan,so beating Universal is enough satisfaction for me.
Disney will prevail
If we have "Best Ride in America", are we gonna have "Best International Ride"?
Disney has the cash and the know-how to be the best of the best...they just have to be challenged a bit. Keep the pressure on for Spider-Man!
This site loses all credibility of Spiderman loses. It can not claim it as the #1 ride for years, and then say a different, old attraction, beats it. ToT is a fun ride, but it can not take out Spiderman. It would have been a better match up had it been up against a top coaster, such as MF or Voyage.
The residing location of the attraction should have very little to do with the voting, unless the attraction doesn't fit the park's theme, causes bottlenecks, etc.
We went on the ride once when most of the park was waiting for Fantasmic!, and there was a group of obnoxious teen girls in front of us. They were bragging about how much acid they drop, and other redundant crap, just to make themselves heard. They also talked loudly through the entire pre-show.
This was their last trip on the Tower, as they had to leave somewhere, and they were talking about buying the photo since it was their favorite ride. They wanted to get a really good shot. Well, naturally, me and my buds saw this as an opportunity. We had found out earlier that day that the shocker, a dirty little hand signal with sexual connotations, causes on-ride photos to get erased. So, me and my eight buds all gave the girls the shock, causing the photo not to appear at the end of the ride. Even if they tried to buy it, we were hunched over them during the shot with those dirty hand gestures and creepy smiles on our faces. They were quite bitter.
So it's good for jerks like me, but overall I think personal photos are much better.
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