'CSI: Live' coming to Magic Mountain

February 27, 2008, 4:54 PM · It looks as if Magic Mountain's push have more family oriented entertainment is going to be coming via a "CSI: Live" interactive stage show. The show has the audience solve crimes based on forensic evidence presented during the show. You can read the LA Times Travel blog entry here.

Now I don't regularly watch CSI, but I do know that sometimes the crime scenes can be fairly graphic. Is it safe to assume that this stage show will be toned down to accommodate younger audiences, or do you think they will put a disclaimer that "this show may be too intense for younger audiences?"

Replies (4)

February 27, 2008 at 9:45 PM · Yah, he's "turning it around" all right... What, exactly, he's "turning it around" into remains to be seen.

I'm with Robert on this one. The idea of having something like this in a "family" park makes my skin crawl. This is just too wrong on too many levels.

(sigh...) Why can't Sick Flags just implode, and get it over with?

Happy travels.

February 28, 2008 at 8:51 AM · I think if they wanted more family entertainment they could have done much better. CSI is NOT known as a family show! Some adults have trouble watching the show. Disney has no problem with family entertainment. Maybe they should look at that. Also, kids want rides. Maybe some toned down rides but not kidie baby rides would be good. Do they still have the Batman show? That is the sorta thing for families. Universal has a good mix of adult and family shows and rides also.
February 28, 2008 at 9:46 AM · My parents run a murder mystery dinner theater. Although they warn parents with children that the humor can be raunchy and the deaths/evidence a little graphic, the parents almost always bring their kids.

And the kids LOVE it. Alright, maybe "family entertainment" does not define this one accurately, but families with mature nine-year-olds and up might love this.

Me and my brothers loved going to the murder mysteries at age 8, and watching gruesome action/horror films, so don't decide what's best for the kids. Let the kids decide. There's no way this CSI attraction can be worse graphically than those murder mysteries.

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