Weekend open thread: ThemeParkInsider HQ switches to Mac

November 11, 2006, 8:40 PM · Well, my four-year-old PC finally quit this week -- dropping USB ports, then finally refusing to boot even in safe mode. (Yes, I had the whole firewall/anti-virus/Spybot/AdAware protection system in place.) I'd been meaning for months to buy a Mac for testing and video editing, and well, now I am typing this on my new MacBook Pro.

The good news is that the site looks great in Safari. (In fact the whole darn Web looks better!) Setting up a Web connection (my biggest fear in switching to Mac) was ridiculously easy and I'm basically over the moon with the switch. I'm also looking forward to having better, simpler video editing tools to use, meaning you should look forward to monthly video features, reported from the parks, on the site -- starting within the next month or two.

Anything I ought to be on the lookout for, Mac veterans out there? Any video features you'd like to see me report for the site? Anything else on your mind? It's the weekend -- talk amongst yourselves!

Replies (10)

November 11, 2006 at 9:15 PM · Welcome to the "dark" side. I am a convert myself. My husband is the tech. specialist for a school system and all they use is Macs. So if you have any specific questions about your new toy, email me and I'll put you in touch with him. Again welcome to Mac World.
November 11, 2006 at 10:53 PM · Welcome to the Mac. If you need any assistance, let me know.
November 12, 2006 at 7:04 AM · I knew there was a reason I liked this site. By the way I am not a technical person and that's why I use a mac. So if you have any questions about the mac I can easily help you. You see, I have common sense and you will find that is the foundation onto which the mac is built.

Despite this I often find myself in charge of everything and anything that plugs in at work. So on many days you will hear me troubleshooting and removing viruses from an office PC and saying: "This is why I bought a mac." LOL.

Welcome to the Mac. I always enjoy the site, and look for more of the same.

November 12, 2006 at 2:11 PM · Video ideas? I've got one. Make a video of how great Islands Of Adventure is!
November 12, 2006 at 2:35 PM · Actually, I've been finding myself muttering about many of the UI (user interface) differences between the Mac and Windows, only, upon a moment's extra thought, to realize that the way I had been doing things in Windows (e.g. muting sound) was either way too complex or totally bass-ackward.
November 12, 2006 at 10:18 PM · Okay, here's a question for the Mac veterans: What do I need to do to change, or add to, the out-of-the-box configuration to properly secure my Mac on a broadband connection? I know that this is bigger problem in the Windows world, but I don't want to leave my system open to anyone, even if odds are long no one's looking to break in. Thanks, in advance, for the advice!
November 12, 2006 at 10:55 PM · Robert,
I couldn't help but notice what you said about the spyware software you had on your previous computer - namely Spybot and Adware. I had made the same mistake and downloaded that freeware off of the internet. BIG mistake. I had a new fast PC and within a year it was having major problems and running extremely slow. I had a computer geek check it out, and he said the problem was that freeware that I had downloaded - especially Spybot. Do NOT download Spybot to your new system. I now have a spyware system called CounterSpy that works well. That could have been part of the problem you were having. If it's something free coming from the internet, there's got to be a catch.
November 13, 2006 at 9:43 AM · Wow. Very interesting. Those apps had come highly recommended from the Slashdot-type crowd. But yeah, I always felt like they were overly optimistic about the health of my system. Thanks for the tip.
November 15, 2006 at 11:15 PM · Downloading free-ware on a PC based system can become an issue if you do not know what you are doing.

I work with sevaral PCs and an iMac. I rarely have issues with 'bugs.'

Also, PC users, you can 'block' anything from downloading without your permission. ZoneAlarm seems to be the best for unsolicited download protection.

Mac Users: You should be using Mozilla FireFox.

As for ThemePark video Content: Never show, and refuse to accept, video made from the rider's perspective!! Unless these images are professionally produced, carrying camera equipment on rides and attractions can be dangerous and, oftimes, illegal.


November 14, 2006 at 9:21 AM · Thanks for the support for our policy on video. I know that those videos are popular on other sites, but I've long kept a policy around here that we won't accept or produce any photos or video that required breaking a park's safety rules. That said, we do have a couple of on-board, narrated coaster videos from Magic Mountain on the site, but those were produced using "lipstick" cams on the rides, provided by the park itself during media preview days.

Personally, though, I'm looking to produce more story-driven videos, profiling people who make the entertainment happen at the various parks.

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