The ride signifies a kind of completion of Seuss Landing since Islands of Adventure opened to the public in 1999. The original ride, themed after the Dr. Seuss story The Sneetches, was designed to be a ride vehicle on a high rail style of attraction, with the ability to bump the vehicle in front of you. After about a year and a half of development and construction, the newly redesigned attraction is now ready to ride.
Many have said that the Trolley Train Ride, while not a major addition to the park, is a fine compliment to the brightly colored, wonderfully wubbulous island of Seuss Landing. It's a small element that adds to the overall theme of the area, enhancing the overall atmosphere. There are even things you can see only from the twenty foot heights of the train.
In a way, the Trolley Train Ride is an asset to Seuss Landing much as the Tomorrowland Transit Authority is an asset to Tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom. It's a slow, tame ride that features a lot of audio and visual stimulus. Because of this, the ride is perfect for young children and their parents, as well as Seussophiles of any age. The multiple stories integrated into the attraction means there's a lot to see.
Guests who board the left train will be treated to an audio assault of sounds as the narrator mentions passing objects and asks the passengers to make sounds, all inspired by the Seuss book Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? . The train enters the Circus McGurkus cafe before passing into a Star On Sneetch machine with an assortment of visual elements. The ride then travels out to the Sneetch Beach before coming back in to the load/unload area.
Guests who board the right train will listen to an audio narration inspired by And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street. The train will pass through the Sneetch Star Off machine before circling the Caro-Seuss-el and out to Sneetch Beach before returning to the load/unload.
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